San Diego AEYC Board 

The San Diego AEYC Board is responsible for ensuring that the Association is meeting the needs of its members and the community by providing high quality professional development opportunities; promoting high quality ealy learning; ensuring alignment and compliance with NAEYC and CAEYC regulations; and maintaing fiscal integrity.

The San Diego AEYC Board is comprised of both voting and non-voting members. Voting members include the member-elected Executive Committee and Committee Chairs. Non-voting members include Community Liasions. Additional information can be found in the Bylaws tab.

Executive Committee

  • President- Julia Childs Andrews

The president shall preside at all meetings, to appoint committee chairpersons and members as necessary, to represent the Association on the Board of Directors of the California Association for the Education of Young Children, or appoint a representative to represent SDAEYC in the community in the interest of young children.  

The President-Elect/Past President shall be responsible to preside in the absence of the President, to supervise the Standing Committees, to represent the Association on the Board of Directors of the California Association for the Education of Young Children when the President cannot attend, and to act as Parliamentarian.  

The Secretary shall keep and distribute minutes of all Executive and General Board meetings and specifically-called meetings of the Association, The Secretary is also responsible to maintain records and forms.

VP of Membership shall be responsible to work with the membership services committee to develop and implement communications between membership and leadership. VP of Membership shall supervise the work of the membership services committees and to develop and implement communications between membership and leadership.

  • Treasurer - Amber Done

This Treasurer is responsible for keeping the financial accounts of the Association, paying all bills, and presenting a financial report at each Board meeting. The Treasurer also submits a budget for the subsequent year at the Spring Board Meeting for review and approval by the Board of Directors.


  • VP of Programs - Berta Harris

Email Berta Harris   

The VP of Programs shall ensure that opportunities for professional growth are offered by the Association, including conferences, workshops, community events, and resources.

  • Member-at-Large - Charlotte Quiros

The Member-at-Large shall represent the Membership on the Board and represent the issues, ideals, and concerns of the Early Childhood community.