San Diego AEYC BYLAWS (formerly Constitution)


The name of this Association shall be the San Diego Association for the Education of Young Children, hereafter also referred to as SDAEYC.


This Association will be affiliated with the California Association for the Education of Young Children and the National Association for the Education of Young Children.


This Association is organized and will be operated exclusively for educational and charitable purposes and for no other purpose as set forth in subparagraphs of this ARTICLE III as expressed in the following goals:

Our Goals are to raise awareness of how children develop and learn, to collaborate with other organizations and institutions that share our mission, to advocate for and support early childhood professionals and others who care for children and their families.
a. To improve and increase professional standards of all persons working in the field of  early childhood.
b. To improve the quality of educational and other services for young children. 
c. To promote professional relationships among those interested in early childhood education. 
d. To further parent education as an integral part of early childhood education.   

Section 1. Any person who is actively interested in promoting the purpose of the Association as stated in ARTICLE III may become an active member upon payment of annual dues.

Section 2. Any individual who joins the San Diego Association for the Education of Young children will automatically become a member of the California Association for the Education of Young Children and the National Association for the Education of Young Children.

Section 3. The categories of membership shall be Comprehensive Affiliate, Regular Affiliate, Student Affiliate, Life Affiliate, and Comprehensive Life Affiliate. A student shall be defined as a person who is enrolled in an associate, baccalaureate or graduate degree program from a WASC accredited institution carrying a minimum of 6 units of Child Development.


Section 1. The annual dues per member of the Association shall be the amount specified by the National Association for the Education of Young Children, the California Association for the Education of Young Children, plus local dues as specified by local Board action.

Section 2. The membership year of the San Diego Association the Education of Young Children shall be a twelve month period based on the month the individual member paid the membership dues.


Section 1a. The officers of SDAEYC shall be President, President-Elect and Past President in alternate years, Vice President of Membership, Vice President of Programs, Secretary, Member-at-Large and Treasurer. They shall constitute the Executive Committee.

Section 1b. The officers of SDAEYC, except the President-Elect who has a one year term, shall be elected to serve for two years or until their successors are elected and duly qualified. No member shall hold more than one Executive office at a time in the Association. The immediate Past President shall serve for one year following her/his term as President.

Section 2. The duties of the PRESIDENT shall be to preside at all meetings, to appoint committee chairpersons and members as necessary, to represent the Association on the Board of Directors of the California Association for the Education of Young Children, or appoint a representative to represent SDAEYC in the community in the interest of young children

Section 3. The duties of the PRESIDENT-ELECT/PAST PRESIDENT in alternate years shall be to preside in the absence of the President, to supervise the Focus and Standing Committees, to represent the Association on the Board of Directors of the California Association for the Education of Young Children when the President cannot attend, and to act as Parliamentarian.

Section 4. The duties of the VICE PRESIDENT of MEMBERSHIP shall be to develop and implement communications between membership and leadership.

Section 5. The duties of the VICE PRESIDENT of PROGRAMS shall be to ensure that opportunities for professional growth are offered by the Association, including conferences, workshops, community events and resources.  

Section 6. The duties of the SECRETARY shall be to keep minutes of all meetings of the Association, to handle any correspondence, and to distribute the minutes to the Board of Directors for approval at the next General Board meeting.

Section 7. The duties of the TREASURER shall be to keep the financial accounts of the Association, pay all bills, and present a financial report at each Board meeting. The Treasurer shall also submit a budget for the subsequent year at the annual board retreat for review and approval by the Board of Directors.

Section 8. The duties of the MEMBER-AT-LARGE shall be to represent the membership on the Board and represent the issues, ideals, and concerns of the Early Childhood Education community.

Section 9. The immediate PAST PRESIDENT shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Board and Executive Committee.


Section 1. Election of Executive officers shall take place by June 1st of each year, either by mail, email vote, or at the last regular meeting of each year. Election results shall be determined by a majority of the members voting. The new officers shall begin their terms of service by July 1st following the election.

Section 2. By November of each year, the Board shall appoint a nomination committee of not less than three members, which will prepare a slate of officers for the Association. Suggestions for nominations from the membership shall be solicited in the November/December newsletter of each year.

Section 3. The President-Elect, Vice President of Programs, and Secretary shall be elected in the even years. The Vice President of Membership, Member-at-Large, and Treasurer shall be elected in the odd years.

Section 4. Upon recommendation of the nomination committee, an open ballot shall be published in the  March/April newsletter of the election year or sent to the members. The votes will be tabulated 30 days after publication of the ballots. Election results will be published in the first newsletter following the election.

Section 5. SDAEYC, as a member of the Affiliate Council for Region 6, shall appoint an Affiliate Representative that will participate in the CAEYC Board of Directors meetings as a voting member. This Affiliate Board Member shall serve one three-year term, in staggering rotation with other members of Region 6, to ensure leadership continuity.


Section 1. There shall be three Nationally mandated Committee Chairs: Awards and Grants, Nominations and Elections, and Public Policy, appointed by the President to take office at the first meeting of the new term.

Section 2. Ad hoc committees may be appointed by the President as needed to carry on the work of the Association. The Chairpersons of such committees will be appointed by the President. These focus and standing Committee Chairs, in addition to the Executive Committee and liaisons, shall constitute the full board with attendant voting privileges. Each committee, Executive Officer (with the exception of the President), and liaison is entitled to a single vote. Board members shall be permitted to Chair a maximum of three committees.

Section 3. The Executive Committee shall designate an alternate to attend Board of Directors meetings of the California Association for the Education of Young Children in the event that the President or Affiliate Representative is unable to attend.                                                                                


Section 1. The Board shall call a minimum of one (1) membership meeting of the Association during the fiscal year of July 1 to June 30, except in a year when the California Association for the Education of Young Children or National Association for the Education of Young Children Conferences are held in Southern California. These conferences may replace the membership meeting of the Association.  

Section 2. The Board shall carry on the business of the organization. The minutes of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors meetings shall be available at all times to any SDAEYC member.


The bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of members present at any regular meeting of the general membership, providing that notice in writing of the proposed amendment has been distributed to the membership at least two (2) weeks prior to the voting. 


This Association shall remain in existence until dissolved by vote or written consent of fifty percent (50%) or more of the membership. Upon the dissolution of the Association, the remaining assets of this Association, after the payment of all debts of the Association, are irrevocably dedicated to corporations qualified for exemption from Federal income tax under Section 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Code.


Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised in Brief, shall govern this Association in all cases in which they are applicable.  

Adopted November 8, 1988
Revised March 1991
Revised April 1992
Revised December 1993
Revised March 1997
Revised May 2003
Revised May 2005

Revised June 2010

Revised October 2010